auditing 意味
1. 会計監査、監査、会計検査
・ 類義語:
Separation of ownership from management in corporations creates a demand for auditing, a third party examination of the financial statements.


  • capital adequacy ratio  自己資本比率
  • net profit  純利益、最終利益、純..
  • ratio of net income to..  売上高当期純利益率
  • advertising cost  広告費
  • inventory profit  棚卸資産利益
  • current account defici..  経常赤字、経常勘定の..
  • asset turnover  資産回転率、固定資産..
  • outlay  支出額、支出、経費、..
  • net pay  手取り
  • in the black  黒字で
  • receivables turnover  売掛債権回転率、受取..
  • annual compensation  年棒
  • gross loss  売上総損失
  • purchase allowance  仕入値引
  • capital surplus  資本剰余金
  • disposable income  可処分所得
  • personnel cost  人件費
  • examing officer  税関検査官
  • consumption tax  消費税
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